Year Trophy Rider Details  
2023  The Dreadnought Trophy  Jim  Scott 

Outstanding effort on a Veteran or Vintage machine

2023  The Harry Knight Trophy  Mike  Wild 

Best performance on a Veteran

2023  The Harry Mack Trophy  David & Veronica  Stokes 

Sidecar Award

2023  The John Griffiths Salver  Bob  Clark 

Outstanding activities within the club

2023  The EE Thompson Award  Harry  Holdorf 

Outstanding efforts in promoting or organising Club activities

2023  The HO Burton Award  Colin  Durnall 

Outstanding riding performance by a Club member using a post-1930 nachine

2023  The Bob Currie Memorial Award  Eric  Londesborough 

One who, in the opinion of his peers, has made a significant contribution to the world of motorcycling ‘in the Bob Currie tradition’

2023  The Syd Plevin Trophy   Brian  Robinson 

Outstanding work within a Section of the Club

2023  The Daphne Headington Dent Memorial Award   Not  Awarded 

Member under 25 consistently riding in club events

2023  The Spirit of the Club Award   Don  Riley 

A member who, in the opinion of his peers, operates and helps in the background and would in some cases go unrecognised for his efforts in helping the club

2023  The Hume Trophy   Peter  Hill 

Excellence in research into historic motorcycles, as exemplified by a publication or restoration project

2023  The Hume Trophy   Peter  Hill 

Excellence in research into historic motorcycles, as exemplified by a publication or restoration project

2023  The Presidents Award  Alexander  Graham     
2023  The Editors Award  Alan  Cathcart